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Business & Career

How These Women Turned their Personal Brand Into a Household Name

There is something you can start building today that will transform your career trajectory and allow you to use and capitalize on your unique talents. Here we will demonstrate how you can create financial freedom on your own terms and ultimately live the life that you want with a few remarkable examples of women who have done exactly that.

When you build an authentic personal brand, you’re taking charge of your life and doing so in a way that opens doors for vast opportunities and positions you as an unstoppable force in the world. Cultivating your personal brand enables you to become the go-to person in your industry which can be leveraged to bring in new clients, media opportunities, speaking engagements and more. A strong personal brand will enable you to stand out amongst the crowd become irreplaceable to clients and colleagues.

Here are the personal stories of two successful women who leveraged their personal brands to create wealth, status and authority.

Sophia Amoruso took the fashion world by storm when she started Nasty Gal Vintage, a vintage fashion company. What started off as simply an eBay store featuring her clothing, quickly blew up and became a social media and internet sensation with over $100 million in yearly revenue.

Sophia started with an idea for a small online store, then build out her brand Nasty Girl and the world took notice. That small online store eventually became the Nasty Gal stand alone retail website.

Eventually, Nasty Gal blew up so big that Sophia couldn’t manage the company herself, so she stepped down as CEO. But not before she wrote a book, #GIRLBOSS, about her journey to building her own authentic personal brand. The growth of her brand didn’t stop once she stepped down as CEO, the company ended up filing for bankruptcy about a year and half later. While the brand continued, and sold for a value far less than what it was worth when Sophia was running it at its prime, Sophia’s personal brand just kept skyrocketing.

Armed with the success of her autobiography, and its subsequent Netflix adaptation, Sophia started Girlboss Media. Girlboss Media is a multi-media company that focuses on creating editorial content, videos, and podcasts by and for women.

Because of what she understood about the power of her personal brand, even the bankruptcy of Nasty Gal didn’t stop her. Her personal brand carried on because Sophia is the brand.

Sheryl Sandberg is another example of a woman who turned her personal brand into billions.

Sheryl started as a simple management consultant straight out of business school in 1995. Then forayed that into a job working for the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury under President Bill Clinton. If that wasn’t success enough, she then left that position and joined Google. Where she was in charge of the online sales and advertising among other things.

Sheryl eventually found her way to Facebook as the Chief Operating Officer, a position that Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook were not even looking for at the time. But because Sheryl understood the value in her own brand – her own power and worth, they created room for her. Sheryl fitting in at Facebook was a no-brainer for Mark Zuckerberg after meeting her only once.

Like Sophia, Sheryl also ended up using her power from her own personal brand and turned it into a book deal. Writing her first book, Lean In, about business leadership and development and how there is a lack of women within leadership roles in both government and big business. Arguing the barriers women are facing on a daily basis… the same ones that Sheryl shattered on her own, but it wasn’t without exceptionally hard work and determination.

And something that played a huge role in that success for her, was her in-depth knowledge of the power within creating her own personal brand. Understanding the very things that she excels at and how to turn that into both financial and personal success.  

Don’t be mistaken, these two women are not the exception to the rule. You too, can create a personal brand that opens your life to unlimited possibilities.

Andrea is one of the most dynamic coaches. She helped my team understand complex concepts and how the internal team dynamic influences our opportunities and challenges. Her work with us resulted in improved communication throughout our team and deeper understanding of the overall goals of the company. Andrea's enthusiasm and dedication to coaching is evident in her delivery and presentation.

— Mark Hobbs, May 26, 2020
Mark was a client of Andrea's

Working with me as your personal branding coach, you’ll be able to dive deep and discover the areas in which you excel best. Together, we then turn these into creating the career of your dreams, and a personal brand that is an asset that opens doors for years to come.

It’s time to create financial freedom on your own terms.

So go ahead and schedule your Personal Branding Strategy Call and I’ll walk you through it.

Andrea reading the back of a book
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I'm Andrea
Entrepreneur, counsellor and success coach helping you unlock your career & life potential.
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